Rules and Regulations

Please familiarize yourself with these rules as they are provided for the safety and well-being of all campers and counselors.

  1. The Camp Director(s) will have complete authority at all times.
  2. The campers will be required to carry out all official requests of staff members.
  3. The swimming area and creek area are OFF LIMITS to all campers from time of arrival, except at designated times, and then only with a counselor(s) present.
  4. Campers are required to keep their own cabins clean. There will be daily cabin inspection. No camper is to enter another cabin without counselors’ permission o’r for official business.
  5. Boys are forbidden to visit girls’ quarters except for official business and then only with permission.
  6. Girls are forbidden to visit boys’ quarters except for official business and then only with permission.
  7. Dresses, pants, or jeans must be worn by girls for devotional group assemblies. Girls may wear blue jeans to class, but no shorts are to be worn to class by girls or boys.
  8. Pants or blue jeans, with shirts, must be worn by boys for class and group assembly.
  9. Three rules for dress code have been established:
    1. No shorts may be worn, by boys or girls, that are more than three inches above the knee.
    2. No shirts may be worn, by boys or girls, that expose the bare midriff.
    3. No tank tops or cut out tee shirts are to be worn by either boys or girls.
  10. Campers and staff must conduct themselves as becoming young ladies and gentlemen at all times. Profanity and rough play are strictly forbidden.
  11. Any camper needing medical attention must report to camp director(s) immediately. Insurance is carried on each camper and staff member.
  12. Each camper is to attend every assembly of classes and all devotionals.
  13. No special privileges will be granted to any group of campers for special activities after lights out (Example: Birthday party. After 11:00 PM all activities-must be confined to individual cabins and must be of such nature as not to disturb any other campers.)
  14. No one, including STAFF and CAMPERS, is to leave camp at any time without contacting the director(s).
  15. No counselor is to leave Saturday morning until all packing and cleaning are done and all are ready to depart (Must be away by 10:00 AM).
  16. No alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal drugs are permitted at camp by either campers or counselors.